
Happy New Year: this is how much you should drink

So, with Christmas celebrations until the arrival of the New Year, you must have tasted some alcohol, and probably you’re right now drinking, getting drunk, or planning to do it these days.

With friends, colleagues, or even family, you may be tempted to drink over and over again. And after half an hour, it would seem like a rewarding experience with feelings of relaxation and joy coming into the scene. But as you continue drinking, the wonderful feelings turn into blurred vision, coordination problems accompanied with difficulties of expressing oneself clearly, and inability to react. The cups have managed to reach the brain cells (neurons).

And why is alcohol so powerful that it makes respectable people do all kinds of stupid things?

According to a study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, alcohol hinders the transmission of signals through which the brain warns the person that they are doing something wrong.

Be careful, drinking hurriedly is more dangerous than drinking the same quantity in a slower pace.

The effects of drunkenness can be noticed as the consciousness-altering process evolves gradually.

With two glasses of wine, the humour and the movements change. With 5 glasses, coordination will be gone, and if you reach your 10th glass without an experienced drunken background (not used to the art of drinking), there are high chances you’ll suffer from an alcoholic coma that might affect your neurons forever, and can even lead to death.

The journal Plos ONE published a study conducted by researchers in Nottingham and País Vasco universities. The study concludes that an excessive consumption of alcohol affects the brain zone which responsible for executive functions like body coordination, driving one’s car, and doing one’s job.

If drinking turns into a routine habit, it stops affecting the brain. But, whether used to alcohol or not, the quantity they drink is what decides if they will be affected or not. So, an average red line should point at. Here is the World Health Organization doing.

The organization delimited the daily quantity a man should not surpass to be between 40 and 60 grams. Women, on the other hand, have 20 to 40 grams as daily limit.

Julio Bobes, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Oviedo, Spain, warns: “It takes a long time of losing neurons to realize that there is an alcoholic dementia, which is comparable to Alzheimer. When the brain disorder happens, or is discovered, there is no possibility of treatment. The Christmas drinks like those we drink during weekends are harmful. Alcohol kills brain cells. “

So, I recommend not drinking alcohol at all and substituting it with a healthier drink.

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